Monday 23 November 2009

help-less in SG

date: 23 oct 2009

our helper, marivic's father passed away unexpectedly. naturally, she had to return to her hometown to be a part of the funeral proceedings. we got her a ticket and she left SG within 24 hours of receiving the news.

so i'm stuck home with the kids. with an unbelievable office workload to deal with at the same time.

this has been what my life has been like the last few days - cook, clean, care for kids from 8am (thank God for YE who gets up early with jeremy and gets him ready for school) till bedtime (about 9pm). finish up with any undone critical chores (like the dishes, ironing clothes needed for the next day). shower and then buckle down to office work till my eyes shut on their own accord and refuse to reopen (usually at about 4 or 5am).


but thank God for the kids. while they have been a handful, there've been many times when they were absolute angels.

like when they cheer when i present them with the dinner. cheers cos mommy actually cooked the food. i'm not sure it tasted all that great but it's still so heartwarming to hear their "yay! thank you for cooking for us, mommy!" :o)

or when they pitch in to help with the housework - like folding the clothes. jeremy proudly announced to our former helper, lina, that he knows how to fold shirts and shorts now. =D

and here's another one of carissa helping out at home. i think i'd only just left the mop there for a couple of minutes to go answer a call. when i was greeted by the scene on my return, i couldn't help but burst out in laughter!

thank you God for such sweet and funny and frustrating kids! :o)

Sunday 11 January 2009

new hairdo

our new helper has arrived. the kids seem to take pretty well to her. perhaps it's cos she's older (just a couple of years older than YE and myself) and she's no newbie (she has worked in SG before), so the kids know she's no pushover.
anyway, perhaps the most obvious sign that we have a new helper is carissa's hair.

the new helper has a deft hand with hair. check out what she did with mei today.

and more interestingly, what happened when the clips were removed. :o)

and that reminded me of her previous "perm"... :o)